TIL May 1

  In[1]: 10 + 10

 Out[1]: 20.0

  In[2]: ╲╱ 100

 Out[2]: 10.0

             ┌                  ┐
  In[3]: Max │ 10 , 1 , 21 , -3 │
             └                  ┘

 Out[3]: 21.0

  In[4]: ⟨Emre's Number⟩ ≡  79

 Out[4]: 79.0

  In[5]: ╲╱ Emre's Number

 Out[5]: 8.888194417315589

  In[6]: Emre's Number

 Out[6]: 6241.0

                      Emre's Number
  In[7]: Emre's Number

 Out[7]: 8.1759873707105095e149

It looks a bit heavy for a CLI calculator, due to the fact that it's written in Haskell and downloaded 100+ MB of libraries but when you need ASCII art to show your calculations and use spaces in variables, it may prove useful.