There is a little Python command line program called telegram-send
to send messages to you telegram account.
First you need to register a new bot from BotFather and get a key. Then you pip3 install --user telegram-send
and prepare a config file in ~/.config/telegram-send.conf
chat_id = <CHAT OR USER ID>
You need to start a conversation with the bot and learn your user id (that’s identical with the chat id you start with the bot.)
After that you can send yourself messages from cli like:
telegram-send "hello telegram."
and also send markdown formatted messages, audio, stickers etc by command line options.
usage: telegram-send [-h] [--format {text,markdown,html}] [--stdin] [--pre]
[--disable-web-page-preview] [--silent] [-c]
[--configure-channel] [--configure-group]
[-f FILE [FILE ...]] [-i IMAGE [IMAGE ...]]
[--animation ANIMATION [ANIMATION ...]]
[--video VIDEO [VIDEO ...]] [--audio AUDIO [AUDIO ...]]
[--caption CAPTION [CAPTION ...]] [--config CONF] [-g]
[--file-manager] [--clean] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
[message [message ...]]