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๐Ÿ‡ There is no xvc completions command anymore. Letโ€™s remove the test.

๐Ÿข Instead we can make it to test with environment variables for each of these shells.

๐Ÿ‡ It looks the test fail with wait_status

cargo test -p xvc --test test_completions

---- test_completions stdout ----

thread 'test_completions' panicked at lib/tests/common/
Command failed: Command { cmd: "/Users/iex/", stdin: None, timeout: None }

๐Ÿข The failure is in line

    let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("xvc").unwrap();

so probably it waits for user input to complete but it doesnโ€™t have one and cannot complete it, so returns an error.

๐ŸฆŠ Letโ€™s comment the earlier test out and check if other tests work.

๐Ÿข Yes, they fail the same. When there is no command to run, xvc returns an error. Maybe we can change this behavior or handle the error in Command::cargo_bin line above.

๐Ÿ‡ I checked the code and we donโ€™t handle no arguments case anywhere. It looks the behavior to return an error code is inherited from clap.

๐Ÿข Updated the error handling code to at least report the more descriptive message from the source.

cargo test -p xvc --test test_completions

---- test_completions stdout ----
Output { status: ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(25856)), stdout: "", stderr: "\nthread 'main' panicked at /Users/iex/.cargo/registry/src/\nCommand pipeline: command `export` alias `l` is duplicated\nstack backtrace:\n   0: rust_begin_unwind\n             at /rustc/b1a7dfb91106018f47ed9dc9b27aee1977682868/library/std/src/\n   1: core::panicking::panic_fmt\n             at /rustc/b1a7dfb91106018f47ed9dc9b27aee1977682868/library/core/src/\n   2: clap_builder::builder::debug_asserts::assert_app\n             at /Users/iex/.cargo/registry/src/\n   3: clap_builder::builder::command::Command::_build_self\n             at /Users/iex/.cargo/registry/src/\n   4: clap_builder::builder::command::Command::_build_recursive\n             at /Users/iex/.cargo/registry/src/\n   5: clap_builder::builder::command::Command::_build_recursive\n             at /Users/iex/.cargo/registry/src/\n   6: clap_builder::builder::command::Command::build\n             at /Users/iex/.cargo/registry/src/\n   7: clap_complete::env::CompleteEnv<F>::try_complete_\n             at /Users/iex/.cargo/registry/src/\n   8: clap_complete::env::CompleteEnv<F>::try_complete\n             at /Users/iex/.cargo/registry/src/\n   9: xvc::main\n             at ./src/\n  10: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once\n             at /Users/iex/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/core/src/ops/\nnote: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace.\n" }


error: test failed, to rerun pass `-p xvc --test test_completions`

๐Ÿข The real issue is when we assert the successful run, at this line:

            assert!(output.status.success(), "Command failed: {:?}", prepared);

๐Ÿ‡ If you look at the error message carefully, youโ€™ll see that this is a different error. We added an alias to xvc pipeline export with l, which is a duplicate.

๐Ÿข Oops, yeah.

cargo test -p xvc --test test_completions
test test_completions ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.81s

๐Ÿ‡ There are some warnings in compilation. Letโ€™s fix these.

cargo build
   Compiling xvc-storage v0.6.14-alpha.8 (/Users/iex/
   Compiling xvc-file v0.6.14-alpha.8 (/Users/iex/
   Compiling xvc-pipeline v0.6.14-alpha.8 (/Users/iex/
   Compiling xvc v0.6.14-alpha.8 (/Users/iex/
    Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 4.28s

๐Ÿข Finished build without warnings. Now we can run the whole test suite again.

๐Ÿ‡ Tests are running fine. Updated some error messages and types and doc tests also pass. There is an issue with Rsync storage ref.

๐Ÿข It looks we try to elide output with [...] while the proper format is [..] .

๐Ÿ‡ Replaced them with ... that will elide multiple lines.

๐Ÿข Pushed changes to the server.