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🐢 Good morning. Yesterday we wrote a proxy server for a job application. It was a pleasing experience but I wasn’t able to write a dialog.

🐇 It was one those nice days. I have that feeling in my head that I used it to its full potential.

🐢 So we can do some light work today.

🐇 Like completions?

🐢 Yep, let’s fill up some missing pieces there.

🐇 Let’s see what those missing pieces are.

🐢 We need to clean up the code comments we copied from jj

🦊 Cleaned up quite a bit and moved everything to main. It’s a single function call.

🐢 I think we completed all strum related completions. Now we need to discuss store completions a bit.

🐇 They can’t have all the same function like we used for strum based enums. They will look up different parts of components. For XvcPath, it will be the inner RelativePathBuf, for StorageIdentifier, that will be the name of all recorded storage names and guids. The field we’re going to complete will change from case to case.

🦊 They can depend on the same machinery. It will detect .xvc, load a store and return a field from the component. The first two are the same for all.

🐢 Yep. Let’s write a few TODOs to the code then.

🦊 One thing to discuss is whether should we load all config and root? It’s may be a bit time consuming. Just loading the stores should be enough.

🐢 I think so. ECS doesn’t depend on XvcRoot and we can load stores without loading XvcRoot. We have convenience functions in XvcRoot but they are for convenience. There is nothing that prevents us to load stores without loading root.

🦊 Let’s take a look at XvcRoot’s loading of these.

🐢 Tomorrow hopefully.