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I decided I need a random color scheme selector for one of those moments when you don’t know what to do and decide to hit random keys. Lazyvim already has <leader>uC for selecting the color scheme but it’s too mentally taxing. It asks you to select one. This just switches to a random one.

RandomColorScheme just spits the name of a random color scheme after searching it in all paths. SetRandomColorScheme sets the color scheme to that. The keybinding is <leader>uR.

function RandomColorScheme()
  local color_schemes = vim.fn.globpath(vim.o.rtp, "colors/*.vim", false, true)
  for i, fullpath in ipairs(color_schemes) do
    color_schemes[i] = fullpath:match(".*/(.*).vim$")

  -- Generate a random index
  local index = math.random(#color_schemes)

  local random_color_scheme = color_schemes[index]

  vim.notify("Random Color Scheme: " .. random_color_scheme)
  -- Select a random color scheme
  return random_color_scheme

function SetRandomColorScheme()
  vim.cmd("colorscheme " .. RandomColorScheme())

vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>uR", ":lua SetRandomColorScheme()<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true })